i will go off the pill after this package is done, and see if my body can recover from twenty years of messing with it.
hopefully this is the year when i go back to having no mice in my house. regardless, i will try to budget for a cat for my birthday. maybe the money i used to spend on pills will do it - much like people who quit smoking get to go on vacations. my cat friend will be black with a white spot or two. it will probably be a boy. his name will be wabi.
i am going to eat bread in all its many forms because i love it and who cares how big my ass and thighs get because no one is interested anyway. besides, i'll always have my cheekbones and my tiny wrists and eyes eyes eyes.
stop procrastinating - do what i say, when i say. this means not being too tired, too hungry, too sad, or too scared (see mice and cat, above).
learn to be okay with being alone. i will become free in my heart.
a mentor friend once said that i was way more awesome than i let on. according to my horoscopes of late, if i actually try, the world will come to understand this.
i will aim to become less skeptical, or to at least keep it to myself so as not to ruin things for everyone else.
i will help my mom, then myself (and my brother if he needs)...everyone else can wait for a change.
nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.
- richard r. powell