went to the ocean this summer
to get used as the object of a revenge fantasy
(obviously i did not know this part of the plan)
a woman abandons her children, anger ensues
this much i understand
i gave my broken heart to the cause...
and while he drank himself numb
i put food in the mouths of his little ones
because tiny friends should not have to feel our grown-up pain
the other day,
his well-meaning brother blindsided me with an unsolicited call to arms
against a deadbeat mother...
i looked at the image of her face
i remembered his
i pushed away memories of small blond smiles and skinny, happy hugs
i thought of groceries and mountains of cider cans and violent silence
i declined.
i already paid at the door
i cannot save any of them
he made that clear
found an interesting and cute guy on the book of faces
friend of a friend, the way these things go now
overcame my shyness (it's easier in writing)
introduced myself
he wrote back, once
(maybe i've now blown it by being too intense and curious right away, i forget this freaks people out even though it's harmless and they don't know yet how bored i'll soon be)
waited until he returned from afar to log in...
his first new friend after me?
the girl my asperger's ex dumped me for
we all live on opposite corners of the continent
same world, yes, but still too small...
you can't make this shit up.