Tuesday, August 18, 2009

monumental cupcake day

i urgently need a haircut
and it turns out that sometimes they actually do leave their wives...

apparently the trick to meeting strangers is to carry an armful of small appliances on public transit
(toaster oven and dustbuster)

a russian man (sad and slightly drunk, as they tend to be) came to me while i was waiting for the bus at the subway station
he asked if he could ask a question
he asked if we could go get some food together
he asked if i was married, he asked my name
he asked if he could give me his phone number
he sat himself down on the ground at my feet
and apologized for his inability to make his point
something about the difference between sex and relationships
he told me he was alone here, that his wife had left him
he told me i was beautiful,
and then he asked if he could follow me home
i said no.

the bus arrived
i went to the front, he sulked in the back
i sat beside a nice somalian woman
who admired my dustbuster and asked where i got it since she might like to take one home to her husband to use in his car
she was amazed that it was cordless,
and only cost fifty dollars