Monday, August 18, 2008

bizarre vegetable concoction

slept too much (if only there were no such thing as too much for sleeping)...
and my tummy still hurts.
sex, drugs and rock and roll...(yeah, not quite like that).

the weather is a little bit perfect the past few days.
and so...
i love the sound of cicadas, which is funny because they're actually repulsive little beasts. once i found one on the sidewalk, flipped over on its back and unable to get back to its business. i wanted to help it but i was scared it would fly up into my face or hair while escaping the ground. being the coward i am i laid a small twig on its belly, hoping it would somehow manage to grab on and use the prop to rescue itself. then i walked away as fast as i could. it wasn't there the next day, alive or dead...that's got to have been good news.

i still like to pretend that their song is just the sound of electricity buzzing in the hydro lines. its nicer that way...and i believed it for years at no expense to anyone - why let reality ruin a good thing?