Sunday, August 3, 2008

you just never know

I love days like today when I can have all the windows open, when some of the silence ends, when the songs I love make themselves heard, when there’s light and promise in the air and pink lemonade in my fridge.

I got a FB invite from a producer in New York who was clearly adding to her empire through a suggestion of common friends, but I figured what the heck? and lo and behold, a little bit of guts and a click or two, a few hours later I found myself engaged in some lovely casual wall chats with one of the greatest performance artists in all the land. It’s so easy to forget that sometimes all you have to do is show up, say yes, open the door...even if you’re not sure why or how you’re doing it…the magic always wins if you let it.

With his good wishes now I will go to write...straight into dreams if the gods are with me. There's a painting on the line; second choice, but we've all got to touch base with reality from time to time now, don't we?