Friday, January 23, 2009

fantasy shopping

* "i really have no idea what's going on"
* rare (knock on wood) shooting on the subway
* showing the new girl how to update the database when someone becomes "deceased"
* freaky guy sitting on the stairs
("i lost something, but actually i think i found it in the bathroom"...bolts)
* raccoons in all four chimneys
* invitation, excuses, regrets
* three hours trying to convince the printer i got on sale to do its work
* an hour on the phone/computer with tech support
* one new printer on its way (for the time that could have bought me four, or a regular price one, plus one dollar on my credit card as "collateral")
* faux-pas/busted (with pizza)
* regrets, excuses, apologies
* a reminder that unicorns do not actually exist, regardless of what the t-shirts want you to believe

tall socks and boots
i prefer to be on the receiving end
(of good things)

at the end of this day, i'm really just curious to know how and where i will be able to see a real starfish before i go
(test print)