Sunday, December 28, 2008


nepalese restaurant (magic)
a treatise on the existingness of matter

paintings of mountains i see in my dreams
jewels and treasures in the basement
aloo, tama and bodi
the names of my three future children
or maybe my three future fish
"imagine if you had a child named potato"

clouds on the ground
ice on my path
i can only write when i'm doing something else
bursts of colour in the haze

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


it is too early
i refuse to shovel
tomorrow i will bake cookies
i am too tired for this

i will find a way to watch the movie
i must know

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


more times than i care to count
i have stared the devil in the eye,
and laying in the arms of another man
i have dreamed of angels
in reverse

never enough,
it will have to do
or will it have to do?
the revolt of the simple caveman...
follow the light

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I am wondering if you can just read this, not for proofing, but for a general sense of:
a) if it sounds like I am completely talking out of my ass
b) if there's anything that seems redundant, unnecessary, out of place, too crass, etc.
c) if there's anything that is (especially art historically) inaccurate or stupid conceptually
d) there was something else, but I forget.


revelations from the mind of a tragic romantic...

i'm planning to spend the rest of my life eating nachos and getting fat

it just really dawned on me that i am in dire financial straits unless i get a roommate very soon

fruit flies are disgusting

Saturday, December 20, 2008

crunchy diamonds

when it rains, it pours,
and when there's a blizzard...
well, same deal

i don't mind the snow so much
when it sparkles

boys with irish accents, working in bakeries
blue christmas lights
the most magical

i think i will be making a point of walking
down unplowed streets
for a while
just to see
what kind of snowmen
people will build
(it's the packing variety this round)

having now seen the real thing
i know now
that i know
when i see it

Friday, December 19, 2008

runny nose

too many balls in play
there is a war going on inside

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

mostly done

don't worry, i'm not hiding
it's just that sometimes i don't have much to say

Monday, December 15, 2008


yes, but
i’m glad he convinced me to go outside

my poor lilac and magnolia friends
think it’s spring

Saturday, December 13, 2008

see forever eyes

there is so little to write about
when there are no flowers

swirling clouds
when the moon pretends to be the sun

Friday, December 12, 2008

donut girl

so shy
small talk
full moon

fear not,
we find our lives in the strangest of places

i can't stop sneezing and
i need to go to the chiropractor

Thursday, December 11, 2008

wrinkles (summer rain)

a face in a dream
a face in the sky
there is a castle by my house

i think i'm that chick
the one you use to
get back on the horse
after the girl
really loved
has broken your heart

i can't stand the cold

fall would be my favorite season
if it was sunny and warm like this last one
(it was)

strange how easy it is for us
to slip in and out of each others lives
i really wanted this to be different

spring must be soon

Monday, December 8, 2008


this (loud) makes me a kind of happy that I forgot about a long time ago.

this makes me a kind of sad I wish I could forget.

we cannot escape who we are,
but somewhere in between there must be
either that, or boy george is a misfits fan...
and the crazy world at times becomes too much to take

Thursday, December 4, 2008

pine flashbacks

"and she gave away the secrets of her past,
and said I've lost control again..."

why are they always insane?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


he said to me last night,
"you're one of those people who's always in the middle of something."

yes, i suppose it's true.

went back to the suburbs last night
it seems that wherever i go, there i am
but more so when i return

you cannot both stay and go -
i read that somewhere

horses are not unicorns,
never will be...

Monday, December 1, 2008


suffocating in my own dreams

i don't believe in accidents -
that's about the only thing i'm sure of right now