Wednesday, August 22, 2012

i don't know much about bikes except that guys look hot when they're riding them

“I see so many people who look like they haven’t gone shopping for clothes since the fucking 80s, haven’t listened to anything new since then and really basically died at the age of 23 but won’t get buried until they’re 80.”
- Mark Holmes

i have a thing for old men. it's official.

p.s. the only good song on this new album so far is the one that sounds like it was written 20 years ago. and so it goes...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


a) wind truck

don't take in too much (as much as you can) because it's too hard to hold it all, there's too much pressure

b) smoking will turn you into a vampire...

that's because we don't have friends or cigarettes

shall we walk or shall we stand here and confront the issue?

just remember that when you're 93, i'll still be funny

Thursday, August 2, 2012

definitely a low light plant

you don't have to overthink it but there's no such thing as feeling too much

i'm getting closer and closer to standing on my head